'You get old if you don’t grow’

I hit the big ‘eight o’ a few months ago, well actually it hit me! I suddenly realised that I’d had my quota – the Bible says ‘The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty’; so I reckon I’m now living in ‘injury time’! But the Lord knows and it’s his timing that matters. The point is, what to do with what you’ve got left. Use it well, make the most of it and for those of us who are children of the King, use it to serve and honour Him, Jesus, that is! Love your family, pray for them and for all those you’ve met on the road of life especially those who as yet have never bowed the knee to Him. Show patience, kindness and understanding towards everyone and keep on telling that Good News to all whom you meet. But don’t neglect spending time with the Lord himself, reading His Word, enjoying His presence and simply worshipping Him. I guess you could call that preparing for Eternity!

A dear old gentleman I knew told me one day that he was now too tired even to pray so he simply looked out of the window and worshipped silently with a real sense of wonder at all God had made, knowing that very soon he would see his Saviour, the Maker and  Redeemer of all things and spend eternity with Him along with all the saints of God.

‘You get old if you don’t grow’, said the preacher. So keep on growing, worshipping, serving and living the one precious life He has given you.


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